We finally have the tools to implement effective Account Based Marketing

by James Campbell - January 04, 2017
We finally have the tools to implement effective Account Based Marketing

You have probably noticed that Account Based Marketing (also known as ‘ABM’) is a buzz phrase in the marketing world at present. One of the reasons that the topic is getting far more airtime these days is because  more companies now have the tools to be able to effectively implement an ABM strategy.

If you are a business that sells into large organisations, then it is something that you should be considering.

To be honest the concept is in no way new. ABM is just a combination of things you have been reading about for years:

  • Segmentation & Targeting
  • Profiling Customers / Personas
  • Marketing & Sales Funnel Stages
  • Content Marketing
  • Sales & Marketing Alignment

It goes without saying that to succeed at ABM you must good at all the above!


The top tools used to support ABM are Salesforce automation (80%), marketing automation (74%) and account-based advertising (62%), according to SiriusDecisions.


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